
时间:2024-06-12 09:44:05 自我评价 我要投稿





  In order to achieve their own to become a capable person, I always "knowledge is power", that is to urge their own, hard-working actively, mindful, and strive to improve themselves in the combination of theory and operation.


  Strong self-learning ability, a high degree of responsibility, a strong plasticity, love of work, love life, honest and trustworthy, and people are good, filial piety, caring for others. Not pleased, not to have compassion. In the face of setbacks, convinced: born I will be useful. As long as 1% of the hope, we must pay 100% effort. Sincerely hope that my join for your units to bring considerable benefits.

  Integrity and pragmatic, practical work hard, not play. I keep a lively childlike innocence, I love the sacred profession of teachers, love that three-foot platform, more loving those lovely children. I believe that I will work for the healthy growth of students, with love to water, with the truth to the role, with wisdom to enlightenment, with the personality to influence, with the ideal to shape this one full of hope and dream life, Happy teacher, so that my students in my classroom, such as Mu spring rather than needle and felt.

  I am cheerful and friendly, optimistic and honest, honest and trustworthy, good psychological quality, strong adaptability to the environment, there is the spirit of hard work, work and perseverance, like challenges, active and serious responsibility; Self-management; focus on teamwork, good communication and coordination; learning ability, and like to learn and accept new things, convinced that there will be a harvest of hard work. With the young, I will make unremitting efforts to make their own better.


  Mature,dynamic and honest.Excellent ability of systematical management.Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.

  A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.Bright,aggressive applicants.

  Ambitious attitude essential.Initiative,independent and good communication skill.Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.Willing to assume responsibilities.

  Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.Energetic,fashion-minded person.With a pleasant mature attitude.Strong determination to succeed.Strong leadership skills.Ability to work well with others.The ability to initiate and operate independently.

  Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.Be highly organized and effecient.Willing to learn and progress.Good presentation skills.Positive active mind essential.Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively.

  Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision.Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.


  British emphasis on education, not only in the UK gathered in the world's most famous and oldest schools, colleges and universities, and there are some new and most innovative institutions. Education is a permanent topic of discussion ... Education is not only a matter of repeated thinking for the teacher, but also to parents and students to pay more attention. Britain is a country with a long tradition of education. Its education system after several hundred years of evolution, quite perfect and complex, and has a very large flexibility. In general, it is divided into three stages: compulsory education, continuing education and higher education.

  British people generally believe that the spoil of children and spoiled children is the biggest obstacle to the formation of independent enable children to adapt to the needs of society in the future, to live independently, work, must be small to develop their ability to live independently, so that they learn to respect others and self-restraint, aware of their behavior responsible. If the child can not adapt to society in the future as other people, as parents can not fulfill the responsibility of education.

  British schools in the moral education is not called moral education, and called "personal social health education", or "social process", the British schools generally do not have a special moral education course, but the creation of including Buddhism and Taoism, including A variety of the world's major religious beliefs for the elective. This course is considered a child's moral and conscience is very important to cultivate a course. . The purpose is to let them know the basic truth of ordinary life, how to integrate into society self-discipline, as part of society. Core moral values are four: respect for life, fair, honest and trustworthy.

  The British also have the notion that "morality is infected, not taught." It is reflected in the British primary and secondary school moral education, that is, do not require children to memorize moral norms, but requires children from the depths of the heart, from daily life to understand and understand the ethics.

  The family is the cradle of child growth. In the UK family, absolutely do not see the children of no reason to spoil, the wrong child will be corrected or even punished. Parents tend to respect the child's independent personality under the premise of strict control of the children, so that they understand that their behavior is not without marginal, can not do whatever they ish law clearly stipulates that parents allow their children to corporal punishment, so far many schools still retain the rules of corporal punishment of students.

  Chinese university lecturers more dedicated, always pay close attention to the classroom 90 minutes continuously instill new knowledge, as Chinese students are also more difficult, every day to digest a lot of ents from China's higher education institutions often have deep and solid theoretical foundation, because in China to learn more, the final results are usually determined by the final exam. In the UK, before the start of each course, the instructor will explain the time required to master this course, generally 100 hours per course, of which 70 hours are left to the students to read and study by themselves.

  Usually in the classroom, the teacher will send their own printed information, but the coverage of knowledge is relatively small, so in the first lesson, the teacher will recommend students to buy or borrow some of the relevant books, and foreign students from small Education is based on knowledge, practical ability is also very strong.

  "In the UK, high school, the teacher will each student as the best students, insist that every student has a bright spot." Students said: "In the UK high school, sports is the main course, mathematics is "In fact, in the final analysis, the domestic education is mainly mainly in the examination, the first test; in the UK is not, the students of the comprehensive development is the more important.

  UK 9 am classes, 50 minutes each, after 4 pm is the student's free a teaching arrangement for many people mistakenly think that the British students learning is easy, its

  It is true that each course in the UK is composed of two parts, the report or the paper accounted for part of the final exam accounted for another part of the completion of either of the two will affect the final outcome of a single subject. In foreign countries, write a paper is very particular about, citing the point of view of others must be marked on the source and author, or to identify cheating, cheating in foreign countries may be to court, very serious.

  Foreign attention to teamwork, most of the work is done in the case of the team, especially in the UK business. They like a group of different cultural backgrounds, different ideas, so contact with more culture will undoubtedly be very popular in the UK, of course, the premise of teamwork is not hindered by language, English is quite good. Teamwork inside, you will find foreign students to speak and write ability is very strong, which is completely inferior to the Chinese students, the individual may think that Chinese students in the test scores on the edge, but the capacity is still better than the British students , Which is the gap between China's education, foreign education is the ability to train.

  We can not critically say that China's education is good or the UK's education is good, perhaps in some aspects of China's education is not so targeted in the United Kingdom, but in some respects Chinese education is still very worthy of our trust. In the face of British education we should do is to take its essence to its dregs, a selective reference is desirable, such as "moral is infected, rather than being taught," this view is worthy of our thinking, and capacity-building Focus on the combination of theory and practice, as well as the affirmation of the students, for the domestic "to take the test scores as a student to assess whether the only standard of excellence," this approach is not acceptable to all students, I believe most students will More like the evaluation criteria abroad, it is not so absolute.


  After graduating from school work more than a year, under the care and training unit leadership, colleagues help of friends, through its own efforts, whether it is learning or work, we have made great progress and harvest, just one year, it is the wealth of experience of my life!

  Work for a year, but also a year of learning, in terms of ideology and theory, not short I learn advanced ideas and mature theory, remain at the forefront of society, with the strongest weapon to arm themselves with the latest theory Enrich themselves. In operation, wherever, whenever, strict demands on themselves, study hard, striving to expert. It is relying on such a firm conviction, gradually becoming more mature. Work for a year is the continuous accumulation of the year, full use of the knowledge, quality and quantity to complete the task, and has accumulated experience in one after another of the project, lessons learned, a suitable own work and learning method.

  Instant, the past year, from a student to a social worker, the changing role of large, independent will suddenly face their own life, had also been lost, after a year of trials and hardships, learn some, also a lot of sentiment, finally, I want to say is, work achieved little success, thinking little progress, in my whole life journey is a small sum, and will need to continue to enhance learning, continuous summary, negation of negation and then the establishment of a complete outlook on life, their own life journey to draw a perfect end.

  After graduating from school work more than a year, under the care and training unit leadership, colleagues help of friends, through its own efforts, whether it is learning or work, we have made great progress and harvest, just one year, it is the wealth of experience of my life!

  Work for a year, but also a year of learning, in terms of ideology and theory, not short I learn advanced ideas and mature theory, remain at the forefront of society, with the strongest weapon to arm themselves with the latest theory Enrich themselves. In operation, wherever, whenever, strict demands on themselves, study hard, striving to expert. It is relying on such a firm conviction, gradually becoming more mature. Work for a year is the continuous accumulation of the year, full use of the knowledge, quality and quantity to complete the task, and has accumulated experience in one after another of the project, lessons learned, a suitable own work and learning method.

  Instant personal work between self-identification, the past year, from a student to a social worker, the changing role of large, independent will suddenly face their own life, had also been lost, after a year of trials and hardships, learned some, but also a lot of sentiment, and finally, I want to say is that the work achieved little success, thinking little progress, in my whole life journey is a small sum, and will need to continue to strengthen learning and summary, negation of negation and then the establishment of a complete outlook on life, their own life journey to draw a perfect end.


  "Big success by the team, small success by personal." This is the world's richest man for 13 consecutive years, Bill Gates, one of the summary, in his path to the rich and brilliant entrepreneurial way, always embodies the importance of team spirit , Bill Gates of this sentence industry is called "big success rule."

  Bill Gates was born in Seattle in 1955, he loves computers, he was 13 years old, has been able to carry out simple computer programming design, 14-year-old Gates and his high school classmate Paul. Allen began a further programming exploration . Since childhood love and thinking about the computer, Gates in front of the hole gradually opened a bright future of computer science. 18-year-old Gates admitted to Harvard University, the study of computer programming is hungry, he and roommate Steve Ballmer is very close, usually like to wear a printed Gates "to support Ballmer "Round neck shirt to show this unusual friendship. They are always learning about each other, encouraged, Steve Ballmer's shop, Gates at Harvard University was the first computer for the successful development of a programming language version. However, the next year Gates decided to withdraw from Harvard, in order to work with another friend Paul Allen to work hard in the community, co-founder of both of them Microsoft. In 1975, 20-year-old Bill Gates was appointed Microsoft chairman, CEO and chief software designer. In 1976 Gates and Allen registered (Microsoft) trademark, originally intended to be named "Allen and Gates" finally changed to "micro software company", fade individual personal, to highlight the company's team image.

  November 1983 Windows operating system debut debut, provided by the graphical user interface changed the text of the tedious, very intuitive and convenient, by the public favorite. In 1985, 30-year-old Gates at Microsoft's press conference for the first time with Melinda. Then, both fell in love, experienced a decade of tempting lingering love, January 1, 1994 finally to the marriage hall. In order to refuse a large crowd to come to celebrate the wedding ceremony admirers, Gates wedding ingenuity arrangements in the independent separation of Lanai Island in Hawaii held, fortunate enough to be invited to participate in the wedding is very limited, and must take a special helicopter or yacht to arrive. Gates and Melinda is said to be specially scheduled during the wedding all the hotel rooms on the island and all the helicopters, no noise, but also Pu Guizhen, making beautiful Lanai Island has become more quiet, peaceful and pure. In Lanai Island wedding in addition to their loved ones, in the guest table first Paul. Allen, Warren. Buffett so heart-to-heart, like brothers and sisters.

  With the growing prosperity of Microsoft, Gates is also more concerned about the charity around. In 20xx, the Gates held a grand charity event.Warren Buffett, a friend of Warren, announced that he would donate $ 30 billion of his own investment company to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which doubled the size of the fund to double The world's largest charitable foundation.

  All the way around the Gates business always flashing a group of followers, partners, supporters of the figure, the formation of elite teams, such as Steve Ballmer's intimate, such as Paul Allen's long-term work together,Such as Warren Buffett's generosity, it is behind a high-quality elite team achievement Gates career on the "big success", and this success can not be separated from Gates personal struggle of the local "small success."

  Bill Gates once said, "If I just want to win, I would have gone to another stage." "I hope I am not the richest man in the world, this is not any good." He also did: 20xx October 28, Gates celebrated his 50th birthday in London, England announced that he will not politics, tens of billions of dollars of wealth will be donated to the community, not as a legacy to future generations. In the same year, Bill Gates in the United Kingdom Buckingham Palace was awarded the British Queen Elizabeth II awarded the "Honor Jazz Medal" in recognition of Gates and his wife Melinda to eliminate the Commonwealth and other developing countries, poverty and improve the health of local people Level of the efforts made. In 20xx, Bill Gates in the United Kingdom BBC television interview once again said that his 58 billion US dollars of property will be donated to the name of charitable funds, the money will be used to study AIDS and malaria vaccines, and the world's poor countries To provide assistance to reduce inequalities that exist globally.

  "When Paul Allen and I started Microsoft, I had a lot of dreams about software development, and we wanted our software to have a big impact on the world, and having a computer at every desk and home was always the topic of our discussion. "This is the Gates of the old dream relive, and now his dream has been achieved, daily, we are sharing Gates's operating system, and therefore feel the power of the computer's charm. A fence three piles, a hero three help, when we aftertaste "big success rule", can deeply feel the team spirit of the noble.


  Conscientious, responsible, studious, warm, steady work seriously, ambitious. Proficiency in common office software word, excel.

  Easygoing and generous, cheerful, friendly, honest and humble. Hard-working, serious and responsible, hard working, conscientious, patient.

  It has an affinity and approachable. Strong communication skills, good self-expression, eloquent. Nuanced observe things, the ability to detect and correct deficiencies of self.

  Basic knowledge of solid, good leadership and management.


  mature,dynamic and honest.excellent ability of systematical management.ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.a person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.

  a stablepersonality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.bright,aggressive applicants.ambitious attitude essential.initiative,independent and good communication skill.

  willing to work under pressure withleardership quality.willing to assume responsibilities.mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.energetic,fashion-minded person.with a pleasant mature attitude.strong determination toucceed.strong leadership skills.ability to work well with others.the ability to initiate and operate independently.strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.be highly organized and effecient.willing to learn and progress.good presentation skills.

  positive active mind essential.ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively.have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision.young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.


  Shakespearean representative work has 4-big tragedy: "Hamlet" (UK: Hamlet), "Othello" is (UK: Othello), "King Lear " is (UK: King Lear), "macbeth " is (UK: Macbeth). 4-big comedy: "A Midsummer Night's Dream ", "The Merchant of Venice " ", Twelfth Night " ", "As You Like It" ("As you like it "). Historical play: "King Henry the Fourth Part 1 " ", King Henry the Fifth " ", King Richard II " and so on. Had written 154 sonnets , two leading cadre poems.

  Our · Jonson says he is "the times soul " , Max says he and Helladic Aisiku Ross are "the greatest human being drama genius ". Although Shakespeare uses English writing only,he is a famous writer of world but. Most work of him has all already been translated into various language , whose play performs also in the lot of country.

  Die of illness on April 23 , 1616. Body person Galileo is the same as Shakespeare and famous Italy mathematician , physicist , astrologer with the philosopher , experiment science the modern times first being born for 1 year.



  Mature,dynamic and honest.


  Excellent ability of systematical management. 有极强的系统管理能力。

  Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.


  A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y. 需要有能力及适应力强的人。

  A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.


  Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.

  能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。 Bright,aggressive applicants.


  Ambitious attitude essential.


  Initiative,independent and good communication skill. 积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。 Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.


  Willing to assume responsibilities.


  Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.

  思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。 Energetic,fashion-minded person.


  With a pleasant mature attitude.


  Strong determination to succeed.


  Strong leadership skills.


  Ability to work well with others.


  Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.

  上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。 The ability to initiate and operate independently. 有创业能力,并能独立地从业。

  Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.


  Be highly organized and effecient.


  Willing to learn and progress.


  Good presentation skills.


  Positive active mind essential.


  Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。


  Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。


  Young,bright,energetic with strong



  Good people management and communication skills. Team player.


  Able to work under high pressure and time limitation. 能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。 Be elegant and with nice personality.


  With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.


  The main qualities required are preparedness to

  work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.


  Having good and extensive social connections. 具有良好而广泛的社会关系。

  Being active, creative and innonative is a plus. 思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。

  With good analytical capability.



  The work of the positive and serious attitude, strong sense of responsibility, is sincere, careful, optimistic, athletic, a good team player, able to quickly adapt to the work environment, and to continue to learn in practical work and constantly improve themselves and do their own work . I am a positive, optimistic, pragmatic, continuous learning, struggling to forge ahead of the people. Do not want to fall behind, I do not want to fall behind; behind, losing all chance of success. Learning is also essential, no knowledge is difficult to succeed; at the same time, to fight for their practice more opportunities to succeed!


  Strong will: life will inevitably encounter setbacks, not easily made defeat, down to earth, and strive to forge ahead, in order to meet the arrival of the bright! Hard work spirit: life can have several stroke life, love fight will win good thinking: I like thinking: , Think more can change a person; learn and think of, do not have Yue Yu. To join and enthusiastic about environmental protection, public welfare activities, and has always insisted on participating in blood donation. The attitude of the work, I think it is important today to do today, so that we can guarantee the highest efficiency of their work, and gradually upgrade their ability to walk out of their own lives.

  I have been working in software testing and quality assurance for many years. I have many years of experience in technical and management positions. I have a clear understanding of the software development process and I have learned through my own continuous learning.Accumulated a wealth of technical and management experience. Strong ability to learn, hardworking persistent toughness, can endure hardship, thoughtful, assertive, serious and responsible work and beginning and end, frank, open-minded, good communication with people, a good team spirit.


  I am honest and trustworthy, rigorous practical work, serious and responsible, doing things smart. Have a positive attitude towards life and a wide range of interests, we have good mental qualities and work hard, have their own opinion on the matter, and there is a strong working collaboration. I have a unique vitality of youth and vigor, full of mind and create a cause of shock - feeling, better writing skills, verbal communication skills and interpersonal skills, team-oriented.

  During the school campus to any long-term sales representatives electronic dictionaries and other electronic products, we have organized many products on sale. Participated in many community activities, including the planning, organization and outreach activities, we have successfully held the Coca-Cola Company tours, Zhuhai College hip-hop party, co 06 graduates campus recruitment and M-Zone Students Challenge and other hip-hop. Foreign shipping more than six months of work experience.


  Honest, unity and colleagues, diligent work, good communication skills, rigorous style, strong adaptability and self-learning ability, strong entrepreneurial spirit and a stable psychological quality, the courage to meet new challenges!

  I live in others with sincerity, enthusiasm, positive and optimistic, motivated, lively and cheerful, dedicated; work teamwork spirit, a strong sense of responsibility and good professional ethics, receptive to new things, strong adaptability and learning ability . Responsibility is my attitude to work, optimism is my idea of life.


  I am responsible for the work, there is a positive professionalism, able to communicate with the leadership and coordination, and his affinity sincere harmoniously and be able to communicate with employees to improve the quality of the best employees, the factory can pay a personal price for the interests of the company create higher performance, hope your company can give me a chance to develop, but this time you regret your choice.









