英语活动:pass the shoe (中班)
英语活动:pass the shoe (中班)
1. 愿意在游戏中自然的说英语
2. 理解pass和from me to you
1. 帽子、苹果、鞋子个一只,放在一只大盒子里。
2. 教师和幼儿坐成封闭式的圆圈。
3. 幼儿已掌握cap ,apple的含义。
1. 玩摸口袋的游戏,复习单词cap, apple
T:good morning boys and girls.
C:good morning teacher.
T:I have a beautiful bag, there are some presents in it. who wants to take one.
( 请幼儿上来从口袋中摸出一个,并能说出中文) (what’s this?)
C:it’s a cap/apple.
2.通过游戏让幼儿初步理解pass the xxx.
T: this time, we’ll play a game with the shoe, when you pass the shoe you should say “pass pass pass the shoe” are you ready?
(可以传递其他物品,练习pass pass pass the ……物品从第一个小朋友传到最后一个小朋友然后放回口袋)
3.鼓励幼儿说:“pass……并初步理解from me to you”. 教师示范,从口袋中摸出一个物品,边说边传pass pass pass the apple, pass pass pass the cap, pass pass pass the shoe.另一个老师讲这些物品传回来,边传边说:“pass pass pass the apple from me to you.……. 将物品放回口袋,幼儿集体练习。
T: do you want to play this game?
C: yes.
T: Ok let’s play it together.
(要求边传边念pass pass pass the……教师帮助指导幼儿进行游戏)
4. 结束活动
T: ok good job, let’s pass the shoe back to the bag.
Pass pass pass the shoe. (左手举起鞋子)
from me to the bag.(右手指自己再指向包包)
pass pass pass the shoe (将鞋子放进包包)
I pass the shoe
Read the rhyme together.
1. 愿意在游戏中自然的说英语
2. 理解pass和from me to you
1. 帽子、苹果、鞋子个一只,放在一只大盒子里。
2. 教师和幼儿坐成封闭式的圆圈。
3. 幼儿已掌握cap ,apple的含义。
1. 玩摸口袋的游戏,复习单词cap, apple
T:good morning boys and girls.
C:good morning teacher.
T:I have a beautiful bag, there are some presents in it. who wants to take one.
( 请幼儿上来从口袋中摸出一个,并能说出中文) (what’s this?)
C:it’s a cap/apple.
2.通过游戏让幼儿初步理解pass the xxx.
T: this time, we’ll play a game with the shoe, when you pass the shoe you should say “pass pass pass the shoe” are you ready?
(可以传递其他物品,练习pass pass pass the ……物品从第一个小朋友传到最后一个小朋友然后放回口袋)
3.鼓励幼儿说:“pass……并初步理解from me to you”. 教师示范,从口袋中摸出一个物品,边说边传pass pass pass the apple, pass pass pass the cap, pass pass pass the shoe.另一个老师讲这些物品传回来,边传边说:“pass pass pass the apple from me to you.……. 将物品放回口袋,幼儿集体练习。
T: do you want to play this game?
C: yes.
T: Ok let’s play it together.
(要求边传边念pass pass pass the……教师帮助指导幼儿进行游戏)
4. 结束活动
T: ok good job, let’s pass the shoe back to the bag.
Pass pass pass the shoe. (左手举起鞋子)
from me to the bag.(右手指自己再指向包包)
pass pass pass the shoe (将鞋子放进包包)
I pass the shoe
Read the rhyme together.
下一篇:英语活动: nose cap