公开课教案Unit 3 What can you see

时间:2017-10-16 小学教师 我要投稿
Unit 3 What can you see?

The first period

Teaching demands:

1. Enlarge the Ss vocabulary such as plane and structures: What can you see? I can see…

2. Enlarge the Ss vocabulary such as plane, a train, a jeep, a boat.

3. Improve the Ss’ reading skills.

Teaching Points and difficulties:

Words: plane, train, jeep, boat

Drill: What can you see? I can see a …

Teaching Procedures:

Step1 Review

1. Say a rhyme: five little monkey

2. Free talk:

What’s this?

What do you like?

Do you like…?

Step 2 Presentation and new materials teaching

1. Show some pictures, What can you see?

Teach the words: train, jeep, boat.

2. Spell the words: t-r-a-i-n



3. Read the words one by one.

4. Look at the picture: T: What can you see?

Ss: I can see a plane/ train/ jeep/ boat.

3. Pair work:

What can you see?

I can see a plane/ jeep/ train/ boat.

Step 3. Practice and consolidation

1. Look at the pictures, What can you see?

引导学生用I can see…来回答。

Ss: I can see a monkey.

I can see a car.

I can see a bike.

2. Teach: plane

Read the word “plane” one by one.

Ss: I can see a plane.

4. Look at our classroom, What can you see?

S1: I can see a TV.

S2: I can see a teacher.

S3: I can see a blackboard.

S4: I can see a door.


5. Teach: What can you see?

Read the sentence one by one.

6. Pair work.

What can you see?

I can see…

Step 4 Product

1. Watch the flash of Part A

What can you see?

I can see a plane.

2. Read after the TV.

3. Read the dialogue with your deskmate.

4. Read the dialogue together.

Step5: Exercise in class and check


Listen and colour


Step 6 Assignments

1. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.

2. Try to spell the words.

Blackboard Design:

Unit 3 What can you see?

What can you see?

I can see a plane.

a train

a jeep

a boat