
时间:2023-04-20 16:41:22 合同范本 我要投稿




英文合同 篇1





  Dear [NAME],

  Internship arrangements

  This letter confirms the arrangements relating to your unpaid internship with [NAME OF ORGANISATION].

  The purpose of this letter is to describe reasonable expectations between us. This letter is not intended to be or give rise to a legally binding contract between us and your internship may be terminated at any time by either of us.

  You will not be a member of staff and the regulations governing employment with [NAME OF ORGANISATION] will not apply to you. For example, you will not be entitled to any paid holiday, or statutory sick pay when unable to attend any part of your internship when expected because of illness.

  The essence of this arrangement is that you are free to choose whether or not you carry out activities during the suggested hours, and, equally, there is no obligation on [NAME OF ORGANISATION] to provide you with work or activities. Neither of us intends any employment relationship to be created either now or at any time in the future.

  1. Internship

  Your internship will take place at [ADDRESS] from [DATE] to [DATE]. You will have no fixed hours of work, but we hope that you will usually be able to attend for up to [NUMBER] hours a week [OR during our normal office hours which are from [TIME] to [TIME] on Mondays to Fridays]. There is no liability on your part if you do not attend these hours.

  We expect you to perform the activities and achieve the learning objectives as proposed in the Schedule below to the best of your ability and to maintain appropriate standards of behaviour at all times. We will also expect you to comply with our rules, policies, procedures, standards and instructions.

  2. Induction and training

  We will provide an induction explaining who we are and what we do, and also to ensure your health and safety. We will support and train you appropriately for the activities that you may undertake during your internship.

  3. Supervision and support

  You can expect us to deal with you fairly and in accordance with our equal opportunities policy.

  Your main point of contact during your internship is [NAME OF INTERN COORDINATOR/SUPERVISOR]. We will arrange for you to have regular meetings with [NAME OF INTERN COORDINATOR/SUPERVISOR] to discuss your learning goals and assignments, as well as to answer any questions you may have.

  Please give [NAME OF INTERN COORDINATOR/SUPERVISOR] as much notice as possible, if you are unable to attend any part of your internship when expected.

  4. Expenses

  Your internship is a voluntary activity and, therefore is not subject to the National Minimum Wage legislation. We agree that if the circumstances of your internship change such that it is no longer a volunteer activity, we will comply with National Minimum Wage legislation, if applicable. We will reimburse certain out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with your internship in accordance with our procedures set out below.


  5. Insurance

  We will provide adequate insurance cover for you while you are undertaking activities approved and authorised by us.

  6. Confidentiality

  In the course of your internship, you may have access to confidential information in relation to [NAME OF ORGANISATION] or our clients. You will be required to enter into a separate legally binding Confidentiality Agreement under which you will undertake not to misuse or wrongfully disclose this information to any person either during your internship or at any time afterwards.

  Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this letter by signing, dating and returning the enclosed copy.

  We hope that you will find your internship enjoyable and rewarding.

  Schedule: Proposed activities and learning objectives


  Yours sincerely,




  I understand and accept the contents of this letter

  Signed .....................................................


  Date ........................................................

英文合同 篇2

  出租方(甲方)Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A) :

  承租方(乙方)Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B) :


  In accordance with relevant Chinese laws 、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations ,Party A and Party B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.

  一、 物业地址 Location of the premises


  Party A will lease to Party B the premises and attached facilities all owned by Party A itself, which is located at _______________________________________ __________________________ and in good condition for_____________ .

  二、 房屋面积 Size of the premises


  The registered size of the leased premises is_________square meters (Gross size).

  三、 租赁期限 Lease term


  The lease term will be from _____(month) _____(day) _______(year) to ________(month) _____(day) _______(year). Party A will clear the premises and provide it to Party B for use before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year).

  四、 租金 Rental

  1. 数额:双方商定租金为每月人民币_____________元整, 乙方以___________形式支付给甲方 。

  Amount: the rental will be ____________per month. Party B will pay the rental

  to Party A in the form of ____________in ________________.

  2. 租金按_____月为壹期支付;第一期租金于_______年_____月_____日以前付清;以后每期租金于每月的______日以前缴纳,先付后住(若乙方以汇款形式支付租金,则以汇出日为支付日,汇费由汇出方承担)。甲方收到租金后予书面签收。

  Payment of rental will be one installment everymonth(s). The first installment will be paid before_______(month)______(day)__________(year). Each successive installment will be paid_____________each month.

  Party B will pay the rental before using the premises and attached facilities (In case Party B pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting will be the day of payment and the remittance fee will be borne by the remitter.) Party A will issue a written receipt after receiving the payment.

  3. 如乙方逾期支付租金超过十天,则每天以月租金的0.5%支付滞纳金;如乙方逾期支付租金超过十五天,则视为乙方自动退租,构成违约,甲方有权收回房屋,并追究乙方违约责任。

  In case the rental is more than ten working days overdue, Party B will pay 0.5 percent of monthly rental as overdue fine every day, if the rental be paid 15 days overdue, Party B will be deemed to have with drawn from the premises and breach the contract. In this situation, Party A has the right to take back the premises and take actions against party B's breach.

  五、 保证金 Deposit

  1. 为确保房屋及其附属设施之安全与完好,及租赁期内相关费用之如期结算,乙方同意于______年_____月_____日前支付给甲方保证金人民币 _________元整,甲方在收到保证金后予以书面签收。

  Guarantying the safety and good conditions of the premises and attached facilities and account of relevant fees are settled on schedule during the lease term, party B will pay _________to party A as a deposit before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year). Party A will issue a written receipt after receiving the deposit.

  2. 除合同另有约定外,甲方应于租赁关系消除且乙方迁空、点清并付清所有应付费用后的当天将保证金全额无息退还乙方。

  Unless otherwise provided for by this contract, Party A will return full amount of the deposit without interest on the day when this contract expires and party B clears the premises and has paid all due rental and other expenses.

  3. 因乙方违反本合同的规定而产生的违约金、损坏赔偿金和其它相关费用,甲方可在保证金中抵扣,不足部分乙方必须在接到甲方付款通知后十日内补足。

  In case party B breaches this contract, party A has right to deduct the default fine, compensation for damage or any other expenses from the deposit . In case the deposit is not sufficient to cover such items, Party B should pay the insufficiency within ten days after receiving the written notice of payment from Party A.

  六、 甲方义务 Obligations of Party A

  1. 甲方须按时将房屋及附属设施(详见附件)交付乙方使用。

  Party A will provide the premises and attached facilities (see the appendix of furniture list for detail) on schedule to Party B for using.

英文合同 篇3

  Contract(“Contract”)is dated as of_________by and between____________,_____________(“Assignor”)and Development Company,with its principal place of business at_________(“Devoc”).


  s0 T" O, x! u' K WHEREAS,Devco is a developer of interactive art,literature,and entertainment products;" m" r' N# d#

  鉴于:迪威公司是一家从事互动艺术、文学和娱乐产品的开发公司;, U, t/ u, B0 y2 g A% k WHEREAS,Assignor has contributed certain material to Devco for the multimedia product(Work),and the parties intended that Devco be the owner of all rights in Work.The contract will confirm such understanding.


  NOW THEREFORE,the parties agree as follows:, h 故双方当事人现就以下事项达成协议:!

  1.Assignor hereby irrevocably assigns,conveys and otherwise transfers to Devco,and its respective successors,licensees,and assignees,all right,title and interest worldwide in and to the Work and all proprietary rights therein,including,without limitation,all copyrights,trademarks,design patents,trade secret rights,moral rights,and all contract and licensing rights,and all claims and causes of action in respect to any of the foregoing,whether now known or hereafter to become known.In the event Assignor has any right in the Work which cannot be assigned,Assignor agrees to waive enforcement worldwide of such right against Devco,its distributors,and customers or,if necessary,exclusively license such right worldwide to Devco,with the right to sublicense.These rights are assignable by Devco.



  2.Assignor represents and warrants that a)the Work was created solely by Assignor,Assignor's full-time employees during the course of their employment,or independent contractors who assigned all right,title and interest in their work to Assignor;(b)Assignor is the owner of all right,title and interest in the tangible forms of the Work and all intellectual property rights protecting them;(c)the Work and the intellectual property rights protecting them are free and clear of all encumbrances,including,without limitation,security interests,licenses,liens,Charges or other restrictions;(d)the use,reproduction,distribution,or modification of the Work does not and will not violate the rights of any third parties in the Work including,but not limited to,trade secrets,publicity,privacy,copyrights,and patents;(e)the Work is not in the public domain;and(f)Assignor has full power and authority to make and enter into this Contract.Assignor agrees to defend,indemnify,and hold harmless Devco,its officers,directors and employees for any claims,suits or proceedings alleging a breach of these warranties.


  3.Assignor agrees that he or she will take all actions and execute any and all documents as may be requested by Devco,at Devco's expense,from time to time to fully vest in Devco all rights,title and interests worldwide in and to the Work.% w+ n" i" P2 H n% V; g9 E


  Y, N* {# [) q. T# m" G! |# L 4.In consideration of the foregoing,Devco agrees to pay to Assignor the sum of Dollars($)__________.


英文合同 篇4






  TEL: 0086-25-4715004 FAX: 0086-25-4711363


  P.O. BOX 99552, RIYADH 22766, KSA

  TEL: 00966-1-4659220 FAX: 00966-1-4659213

  编号NO.: 日期DATE:


  NEO2001026 Feb. 28, 20xx


  买方 BUYER:


  This contract Is made by and agreed between the BUYER and SELLER , in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below.

  允许 With


  More or less of shipment allowed at the sellers’ option


  5. 总值

  Total Value

  6. 包装


  7. 唛头

  Shipping Marks



  8. 装运期及运输方式 Not Later Than Apr.30, 20xx BY VESSEL

  Time of Shipment & means of Transportation

  9. 装运港及目的地 From : SHANGHAI PORT, CHINA

  Port of Loading & Destination To : DAMMAM PORT, SAUDI ARABIA10. 保险 TO BE COVERED BY THE BUYER.


  11. 付款方式 The Buyers shall open through a bank acceptable to the Seller an Irrevocable Letter of Credit payable at sight

  Terms of Payment of reach the seller 30 days before the month of shipment, valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the date of shipment.

  12. 备注


  The Buyer



  The Seller



英文合同 篇5



  No.( Нет.)

  Company Name:

  And (и)

  Company Name:

  signed this Contract as following:

  подписали настоящий Договор о следующем:


  Предмет контракта

  1.1. The SELLER sells and the BUYER buys the following

  Покупатель согласился купить, продавец согласен продать следующие продукты:

  Место погрузки: КНР, г. Shenzhen

  1.2 In case of discrepancies between the Chinese text, English text and Russia text of this contract , the English text shall prevail.

  В случае расхождения, оригинальным признается вариант контракта на английском языке.



  2.1. Quantity of the GOODS should supplied according to the Contract

  Количество товара должно поставляться в соответствии с Договором

  2.2. The BUYER and the SELLER bear the full responsibility for monitoring procedure of quality at mutual trust to each other.

  The BUYER can send representative to SELLER’s warehouse to inspect the finished product.

  The SELLER must control the product quality continuously. And the SELLER must keep paper record for some control process.

  ПОКУПАТЕЛЬ и ПРОДАВЕЦ несут полную ответственность за проведение контроля качества при взаимном доверии друг к другу.

  Покупатель может послать представителя для склада ПРОДАВЦА для проверки готовой продукции. Продавец обязан контролировать качество продукции непрерывно. И продавец должен держать бумаги запись в течение некоторого процесса управления.

  2.3 Warranty time: within 18 months after buyer receipt of the goods

  Время гарантированности: Все оборудование имеет заводскую гарантию 18 месяцев с момента получения оборудования покупателем.



  3.1 SELLER delivers the GOODS to the BUYER on terms of CIF , seaport Odessa, Ukraine, (According to the International terms Regulations, revision 20xx).

  Продавец предоставляет товар в распоряжение покупателя на условиях CIF, морского порта Одесса, Украина, (В соответствии с Международными терминов Положения, пересмотр 20xx г.).

  3.2 The delivery time is six months after received the down payment

  Срок поставки через шесть месяцев после получил авансовый платеж



  4.1 The price is fixed

  цена фиксирована

  4.1 The price for the GOODS is fixed in USD

  Цена на товар фиксируется в долларах США

  4.2 The total price of the contract is USD ,

  Общая сумма контракта составляет: USD_____

  4.3 Packing charges , international sea shipping and insurance costs are included.

  Упаковка обвинения, международные морские перевозки и страхования затраты включаются.



  5. 1 Down payment: 35% of total contract price paid by T/T. After receiving payment, the Seller starts producing equipment

  Первый взнос: 35% от общей стоимости контракта оплачивается T / T. После получения предоплаты, Продавец начинает изготавливать оборудование

  5.2 payment before delivery: 60% of total contract price paid by T/T. A After receiving payment, the Seller

  shall deliver the equipments soon,

  оплата до поставки: 60% от общей стоимости контракта оплачивается T / T. После получения

  оплаты, Продавец поставляет оборудование в ближайшее время,

  5.3Quality guarantee deposit: 5% of total contract price paid by T/T. After receipt of the equipment and check its packaging by the buyer within 7 days

  качество гарантийный депозит: 5% от общей стоимости контракта оплачивается T / T. После

  получении оборудования и проверки его комплектации Покупатель в течении 7 дней





  If the force majeure event occurs (War, civil strife, earthquakes, fires, floods, etc.)

  The two sides could not foresee its occurrence, when the consequences of its impact on the contract, Disputing party needs to send the certificate documents to other party to prove the force majeure event occurs. The documents should send to other party within 10 days.This documents can avoid the responsibility.

  Если происходит событие форс-мажор (Война, гражданские беспорядки, землетрясения, пожары, наводнения и т.д.)

  Обе стороны не могли предвидеть его появление, когда последствия ее воздействия на договоре, оспаривая партию необходимо отправить сертификат документов другой стороне, чтобы доказать

  происходит событие форс-мажорные обстоятельства. Документы должны отправить на другой стороной в течение 10 дней. Этот документ может избежать ответственности.



  All disputes arising from the execution of , or in connection with this contract, shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted to The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing, China,for arbitration in accordance with its Rules of Arbitration.


  другие условия

  In all other respects, if any matter is agreed by both parties, the contract can make modify.

  This contract is signed in two copies in English and Russian. Each party get one copy, each copy is legal Во всех других отношениях, если любой вопрос согласовывается обеими сторонами, договор может делать изменения.



  10.1 BUYER(Продавец):

  10.2 SELLER(Продавец):

  BANK INFORMATION(Реквизиты банка )

  COMPANY NAME: Fuchun Ind Dev Co.,Ltd. Shenzhen


  TEL: 86-755-26575526 FAX: 86-755-26575026

  Bank A/C NO: 745859587561

  Bank Name: SONG RI DING SHENG SUB-BRANCH, SHENZHEN BRANCH, BANK OF CHINA Address of Bank: Songridingsheng Building North, No 9996,Shennan Road,Yuehai Sub-District, Nanshan District, Shenzhen ,China



  ПОДПИСЬ каждая сторона

英文合同 篇6







  Party AEngaging Party:Address: rdTel: Fax:


  Party B Engaged Party: The Universal Legal Corp.

  Address:30Fl, The Youdianguangtong Bldg, 11 East Hubin Road, Xiamen, 361004, P.R.C. Tel: 86-592-2680710 Fax: 86-592-2680760

  E-Mail: [email protected]

  With the development of its business, Party A would like to invite Party B’s lawyer to assume the post of the former’s permanent Legal Counsel (“PLC”). Party A and Party B have entered into the following agreement (“Agreement”) to be observed by both contractual parties.

  I. Party B accepts the invitation from Party A and designates Lawyer assumethe post of PLC of Party A. The term of validity of this engagement of PLC will be from

  Upon request, the PLC shall furnish Party A with services as below:

  * to attend / participate in / handle lawsuits & actions

  - to deal with criminal cases, acting as the advocate or the agent / deputy

  - to deal with civil and commercial cases, acting as the agent / deputy

  a) cases of labor dispute

  b) cases of economic dispute

  c) maritime cases

  d) other civil cases (matrimonial cases, case of succession, civil debt cases, etc.)

  * to deal with cases of administrative proceedings / litigation, acting as the agent / deputy

  - administrative cases of public security

  - administrative cases of patent, trademark, copy right

  - administrative cases of taxation

  - other administrative cases ( industrial & commercial administrative, environmental protection,

  administrative punishment cases, etc.)

  * to handle extra-judicial legal affairs

  - to provide legal consultancy or to give counsel, verbally or in writing

  - to assume the post of Legal Adviser / Counsel, permanently or case by case

  - to attend / participate in mediations, conciliations and arbitrations in all kinds of cases, acting as the deputy / agent

  - to do market research / surveys and to provide credit investigation service

  - to participate in the feasibility study of projects

  - to draft / amend / modify / revise or examine / vet legal documents, such as economic contracts, agreements and constitutions, etc..

  - to take part in negotiations and to issue lawyer’s letters

  - to witness juristic acts

  - to go through the legal procedures / formalities of ventures’ establishments, alterations or cancellations / nullifications and other related legal affairs

  - to participate in liquidation affairs on the ventures’ dissolution or bankruptcy / insolvency

  - to furnish agency for legal affairs on matters of insurance & taxation

  - to provide legal service / assistance for bid invitations & tender offers of construction projects - to go through the formalities of Customs declarations or to apply for import /export licenses or

  to participate in anti-dumping investigations

  - to handle legal affairs in real estate transactions, including the legal affairs on the grant or transfer of land-use-right

  - to go through the formalities / procedures in the matters of notarial acts or successions, transfers & trust of properties

  - to furnish agency for the applications, registrations and filing of industrial property rights

  - to deal with / handle the legal affairs on international loan / credit arrangements

  & international contracts of tenancy, including the legal affairs on FX regulation

  - to act as agent of ventures for their administrative appeals or mediations

  - to undertake extra-judicial legal affairs authorized / entrusted by lawyers outside the country - to undertake other extra-judicial legal affairs

  * The PLC is obliged to visit Party A’s office at least once a month. With respect to the

  above-mentioned services, Party A may contact the PLC from time to time by telephone, fax or e-mail. In case Party A would like to meet with the PLC in person, an appointment should be made 24 hours prior to such meeting and such meeting generally shall be held at Party B’s office;

  * The total length of working time of the fore-mentioned services (extra-judicial legal affairs only;

  same hereinafter) shall be not more than hours. During the term of validity of this

  engagement, any agency / advocacy in lawsuits or arbitrations by the PLC or any over-time service from the PLC should be initiated through Party A’s additional trust formalities to Party B and be charged favorably at 20% discount based on the state regulations governing counsel fee or Party B’s Charging Clauses & payment conditions, whichever is applicable.


  Upon receipt of full cash payment or remittance of the PLC annual fee, Party B shall commence performing its duties & obligations under Article I of this Agreement. In case party A fails to pay or to pay the full amount, Party B is entitled to terminate the Agreement and correspondingly claim damages arising from Party A’s default.

  The incidental expenses should be paid up together with the PLC annual fee, fromwhich the PLC shall take responsibility for surplus or deficit. The PLC is also entitled to request reimbursement with vouchers/invoices for out-city traveling expenses arising from the PLC’s handling of matters entrusted or engaged by Party A .

  III. Party A is obliged to offer Party B true statements/descriptions of facts necessary for the PLC to

  perform its contractual duties & obligations and to provide relevant documents, materials & other essential assistance upon Party B’s request. The legal liabilities incurred from Party A’s misrepresentations, falsifications or other negligent acts shall be undertaken by Party A itself. Party A is also obliged to indemnify Party B for the claims/damages/losses arising from Party A’s fore-mentioned negligent acts. In such a case, Party B is concurrently entitled to terminate the Agreement and the PLC annual fee paid under the Agreement by Party A shall not be reimbursed.

  IV. The PLC is obliged to perform earnestly its duties & obligations within the scope of Party A’s

  authorizations and state legal provisions. In case Party B terminates the Agreement without valid causes or Party A’s lawful rights/interests is prejudiced owing to the PLC’s negligent acts, the PLC annual fee shall be reimbursed in full to Party A.

  V. Any transfer of or modification to the Agreement shall not be permitted without prior mutual written

  consent between Party A and Party B.

  VI. In case the term of validity of the engagement of PLC expires, the Agreement shall automatically

  extend for another one-year term unless a written notification of termination is issued by either party and the PLC annual fee shall thereupon be increased by 5% while other clauses shall remain unchanged, and so on and so forth.

  VII. The construe, interpretation & jurisdiction of the Agreement is subject to the law of the PRC. Any and

  all dispute(s) in connection with or arising from the performance of the Agreement shall first be settled amicably through friendly consultations & negotiations between Party A and Party B. If this fails, the said dispute shall then be submitted to the Xiamen Arbitration Commission for a final finding.

  Party A shall defray Party B a PLC annual fee of and incidental expenses of RMBfor telecommunications, mails, typing/duplicating of documents, city transportation, etc., totally

  VIII. Other clauses:

  IX. The Agreement shall be made in two originals and each Party holds one, which becomes effective

  as from the date of signature.

  Party A :

  Date of Signature:

  Party B : The Universal Legal corp. Account No.: 4100021419224845582 Bank Name:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Xiamen Branch, Wucun Sub-BranchBankAddress: 30th Fl.,The Youdianguangtong, Bldg,11East Hubin Road, Xiamen, 361004, P.R. China : Date of Signatur

英文合同 篇7

  Employment Contract


  Party A:




  Party B:


  ID No:



  According to the Labor Law of PRC China, Party A and Party B agree as follows:

  一、合同期限 Contract Period

  本合同期______年__ 月 __日起至______年 ___月___日或本合同约定终止条件出现时止。

  This agreement is valid from (Y/M/D) until (Y/M/D) or terminated by either party

  二、工作内容和工作时间 Responsibility & working hours

  1. 甲方聘请乙方担任 部门 职务,详见职务说明书。

  Party B's Department: Party B's position:

  Please refer to the job description for details.

  2. 乙方须完成甲方安排的生产(工作)任务

  Party B must accomplish his/her regular work and additional assignments on time

  3. 每天工作8小时,每周工作共40小时。

  There are 8 working hours a day, 40 working hours a week.

  4. 甲方如因业务拓展变化需要对乙方的工作岗位及工作区域进行调整,乙方应当接受。如因甲方公司业务扩展需要或公司合并分立等变更,乙方同意按照法律规定延续此合同,并接受甲方安排,在____(某地区)工作。

  If Party A needed to adjust Party B’s position and working area for business development variety, Party B should accept it.

  三、工资 Salary

  乙方每月的基本工资:RMB 绩效工资:RMB 综合福利金:RMB ,工资总额为RMB 元(该金额尚未扣除税金、住房费用以及社会保险中个人应缴的部份),另甲方予以乙方工资总额7%的住房公积金(如法律规定住房公积金缴交基数有上限,则依照法规执行)。试用期满,经考核后,根据考核结果确定是否正式录用,正式录用后薪金保持不变。甲方将视公司的盈利情况和乙方的考核结果,于每年的三月份进行薪金调整。

  Party B's monthly total revenue (before the deduction of tax, housing fund, social insurance paid by individual) each month would be RMB______ , including base wage RMB______ performance salary RMB_______and social welfare RMB______, And Party A will offer Party B 7% housing fund base on the total revenue, or any upper limit set by the local authority, whichever is the lower. After probation total revenue would be unchanged. Party B's salary will be reviewed annually in March and adjusted in light of Party B's performance and prevailing conditions.

  四、工资的发放 Payment


  Salary will be paid to Party B's account by T/T before the ____th of the following month.

  五、超时工作 Over Time


  Party B must try his best to increase the working efficiency to meet Party A's requirement. If there are special circumstances that Party B has to work overtime, Party B can arrange by themselves. If Party B requests OT payment, he/she must fill in the OT application form and have it approved by GM. OT Application Form without authorized signature is not valid.

  六、加班费 OT Compensation


  If Party B works over time and has approved by Party A, he/she will be offered the same period of compensation leave or OT salary according to Labor Law of PRC China.

  七、假期与福利 Holiday & Benefits

  1. 有薪国家法定假日 Statutory Holiday of PRC China with pay

  2. 有薪婚假/产假/丧假 Leave for Marriage, Maternity and Mourning with pay.

  3. 有薪年假 Annual leave with pay

  4. 社会保险 Social Insurance

  5. 年度奖金Annual bonus (based on the months worked with party A at the rate of one month’s wage for each full year worked. )

  详情请参照《员工手册》Please refer to Party A's employee manual for detail info.

  八、劳动纪律 Discipline


  Party B shall strictly obey Party A’ regulations and discipline. Please refer to Party A's employee manual.

  九、保密协议 Confidentiality


  The recipient shall undertake the obligation to keep confidential, in accordance with the scope and duration agreed upon by both parties, the technical secrets contained in the technology provided by the supplier, which have not been made public.

  十、合同终止 Termination

  1. 终止本合同条件 Termination conditions

  A. 试用期间,双方皆可即时通知对方解除本合同;

  During the probation period, either side can terminate the contract by immediate effect.

  B. 试用期满后,任何一方欲解除合同,须提前三十日以书面形式通知对方。否则,违约方须向守约方支付违约金(违约金为乙方一个月的工资),若造成守约方经济损失的,应依法承担赔偿责任。

  Either side can terminate the contract by giving 30 days notice in written form after probation period.

  2. 甲方在下列情况下可随时直接地通知乙方解除本合同,无须履行任何法定义务和手续,无须向乙方补偿If any case of the following circumstances, Party A has the right to inform Party B rescission of the contract:

  A. 乙方在试用期间达不到甲方的要求;Party B’s performance can’t meet Party A’s requirement.

  B. 乙方严重失职,给甲方利益造成重大损失的;

  The other party has breached the contract, to the extent that such breach has seriously affected the economic benefits expected when concluding the contract

  C. 违反甲方有关规定,应予开除的,详情请参照《员工手册》执行。The condition agreed on in the Party A's employee manual for rescission of the contract has arisen

  3. 乙方在下列情况下终止本合同不需向甲方补偿

  If any one of the following circumstances, Party B has the right of inform Party A rescission of the contract without any compensation:

  A. 被非法限制人身自由的手段强迫劳动的;

  Party B is forced to work by illegal means.

  B. 未按本合同约定支付劳动报酬或劳动条件的;

  Party B cannot get the salary or working conditions which agreed in the contract.


  Both Party A and Party B shall obey the related regulation of PRC China and Party A's employee manual.


  This contract shall come into effect since both sides sign their names.


  N.B. In case of divergence, the Chinese texts shall be regarded as authentic. Two originals, one for Party A, the other one for Party B.

  甲、乙双方签署同意以上条款The above terms is agreed by:

  甲方(Party A): 签署日期(Date):

英文合同 篇8




  Employment Contract


  Party A:乙方Party B:



  Party A:地址:北京市西城区广安门南街80号中加大厦


  乙方Party B:



  护照号码Passport No.:_____________________

  在京居住地址Address (Beijing):


  其他紧急联络人Contact person in case of emergency:


  Party A and Party B agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill all the obligations stipulated hereinafter, in line with the principles of legality, justice, equality, voluntariness and mutual agreement.

  一、 雇佣期限

  ⅠEmployment term


  The employment term is1 year, lasting from 1stJul 20xx to 30th Jun 20xx. The probation period is one month, lasting from 1stJul 20xx to 1stAug 20xx.

  二、 雇佣内容及工作时间

  ⅡContent and working hours

  2.1 甲方根据工作需要,安排乙方完成以下内容的工作任务:

  Party A gives Party B the following work assignments according to its operating requirements:

  工作内容Job responsibilities:厨师Chef


  2.2 工作时间:乙方每日工作时间不超过9小时,平均每周工作不超过40小时,每周休息日为周日。甲方安排乙方延长工作时间,应安排乙方同等时间补休或依法支付加班酬劳。

  Party B works no more than 9 hours per day, no more than 54 hours per week; The Sunday is set as the official weekly rest days. Party A may extend Party’s B’s working hours on the basis of mutual agreement, and party B shall get corresponding deferred holidays or paid for the extended work hours in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

  三、 报酬及其他福利

  ⅢRemuneration and other welfare benefits

  3.1 乙方的报酬为税前6500元/月,大写: 陆仟伍佰元

  乙方在试用期期间的报酬为税前5000元/月,大写 :伍仟元

  Party B’s salary is RMB 6500 Yuan(Six Thousand Five Hundred Yuan) per month, in the probationary period,The salary is RMB 5000(FiveThousand Yuan).


  After the probation,Party A shall pay 2% of profit to Party B as bonus in every mouth until Party B untilParty

  B is no longer work in Party A.


  After the probation, Party A shall provide Party B with a monthly housing allowance of RMB500.00.


  Party A shall pay Party B RMB 20 every day for Visa fee.

  3.2 甲方应于每月8号以货币或转帐形式足额支付乙方上述报酬。如遇节假日或休息日,应提前到最近的工作日支付,如因特殊原因延期支付报酬的,甲方应在五个工作日内向乙方说明原因。

  Party A shall pay salary to Party B before the 8th day of every month in the form of cash or bank-transfer. If the 8th day of the month falls in the weekend or holiday, the payment shall be brought forward to the nearest weekday. Party A shall inform Party B and explain the detailed reason within 5 work days in case Party A fails to pay the salary due to special reasons.

  3.3 甲方可根据生产经营的状况或乙方任务量和工作表现,适时调整乙方的报酬。

  Party A can adjust Party B’s salary according to its operating conditions, Party B’s workload and performance.

  3.4 当乙方的工作任务发生变化时,甲方可按规定调整其相应的报酬。乙方接受新的工作任务后,即视作接受甲方按照该工作任务重新确定的报酬。

  Party B’s labor remuneration will be adjusted in case Party A adjusts Party B’s job responsibilities. Accepting thenew position is regarded as accepting the adjusted salary.

  3.5 乙方应遵守国家及地方的税法制度,自行缴纳其个人收入的个人所得税,甲方无义务为其代缴。

  Party B shall pay personal income tax voluntarily according to the state’s tax law. Party A doesn’t shoulder the responsibility to withhold and remit taxes for Party B.


  Party B sick leave exceeds three days in one continuous period the Employer will pay at half your basic rate the first three days. Thereafter pay will be at the current rate of Statutory Sick Pay. Where periods of incapacity are linked, as laid down in DSS Statutory Sick Pay regulations, you will only receive Statutory Sick Pay at the current rate from the first day of incapacity.All leave due to sickness must be supported by a bona fide medical certificate.

  四、 雇佣合同的解除和终止

  ⅣContract Cancellation and Termination

  4.1 合同期满双方不再续签或者双方约定的'合同终止条件出现时,雇佣合同即终止。

  This contract shall be terminated once it expires and both parties do not extend the contract.

  4.2 经合同双方当事人协商一致,本合同可以解除。

  The contract may be canceled based on both parties’ mutual negotiation.

  4.3 乙方应遵守中国的法律、法规及有关规定,乙方如违反上述规定,甲方有权即时解除合同;乙方因健康原因,经医生证明连续病休15工作日后仍不能继续工作,甲方有权提前终止合同。

  Party B should abide by China laws, decrees and related regulations and Party A’s working systems. During the duration, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract in case Party B violates China laws and decrees, and terminate the contract before expiration in case Party B cannotresume his or her work for health reasons after the medical certification of continuous sick rest for 15 working days.

  4.4 乙方因归国或其他私人原因未正常出勤且超过十天且未向甲方做出书面说明的,本合同自动终止。 The contract will automatically terminate in case Party B is absent for over 10 days without written explanation due to homecoming or other private reasons.

  4.5 乙方被证明无法完成本合同项下的工作任务,甲方有权随时解除本合同。

  In case Party B is proved to be not competent for the work under the contract, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract at any time.

  4.6 乙方应严格遵守甲方的工作规定以及规章制度,尽职尽责,否则,甲方有权随时解除合同并追究因此而造成的经济损失,并有权对所造成的经济损失在乙方的报酬中作相应扣除。

  Party B should abide by Party A’s working systems, rules and regulations. Otherwise, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract and claim a corresponding compensation of any economic loss from Party B’s payment.

  4.7 乙方有权提前30 日以书面形式通知甲方解除本合同,在试用期内提前3日通知甲方即可解除。

  Party B should inform Party A in written form 30 days in advance for canceling the contract, and 3 days in advance during the probation period.


  Ⅴ Others

  5.1 其他未尽事宜,双方可参照甲方公司内部的相关规章制度执行。

  Other items not stipulated by the two parties can be implemented according to the internal rules and regulations of Party A.

  5.2 甲乙双方均应遵守本合同之约定,任何一方违约,非违约方均有权要求违约方承担相应的损失。

  The two parties should abide by the contract. In case one party tears up the contract, the other party has the right to require the defaulting party to undertake corresponding loss.

  5.3 甲乙双方在本合同的执行中如有争议,可协商解决。

  For disputes during the execution of the contract, the two parties can settle them through negotiations.

  5.4 本合同分为中英两种文本,每种文本具有相同的法律效力;如两种文本产生冲突,则中文文本为作准文本。

  The contract has two versions in Chinese and in English. The twocopies are equally authentic. In case any dispute happens, the Chinese version shall prevail.

  5.5 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,每份具有同等法律效力。本合同经甲、乙双方签字盖章后生效。

  The contract is in duplicate, held by Party A and Party B respectively. The twocopies are equally authentic. The contract comes into effect upon signatures or seals of both parties.


  Party A:***** Technical Consulting Party B (Signature):

  (Beijing) Co., Ltd.


  Authorized Representative:





  Employment Contract

  甲 方:******(北京)有限公司

  Party A:

  乙 方Party B:



  Party A:



  乙方Party B:



  护照号码Passport No.:_____________________

  在京居住地址Address (Beijing):

  联系方式Contact:_________________________ _________ ____

  其他紧急联络人Contact person in case of emergency:


  Party A and Party B agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill all the obligations stipulated hereinafter, in line with the principles of legality, justice, equality, voluntariness and mutual agreement.

  一、 雇佣期限

  Ⅰ Employment term

  雇佣期限为___ __年,自______年__ _月__ _日起至______年__ _月__日止,其中试用期为_____

  个月,自______年__ _月___日起至______年___月__ 日止。

  The employment term is ________year(s), lasting from _______________ to ___________. The probation period is __________month(s), lasting from ___________ to ______________.

  二、 雇佣内容及工作时间

  Ⅱ Content and working hours

  2.1 甲方根据工作需要,安排乙方完成以下内容的工作任务:

  Party A gives Party B the following work assignments according to its operating requirements:

  工作内容Job responsibilities: 工作地点Place:北京 Beijing

  2.2 工作时间:乙方每日工作时间不超过8小时,平均每周工作不超过40小时,每周休息日为周六、日。甲方安排乙方延长工作时间,应安排乙方同等时间补休或依法支付加班酬劳。

  Party B works no more than 8 hours per day, no more than 40 hours per week, and Saturday and Sunday are set as the official weekly rest days. Party A may extend Party’s B’s working hours on the basis of mutual agreement, and party B shall get corresponding deferred holidays or paid for the extended work hours in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

  三、 报酬及其他福利

  Ⅲ Remuneration and other welfare benefits

  3.1 乙方的报酬为税前__________ 元/月 ,大写:

  乙方在试用期期间的报酬为税前_____ ____元/月,大写:

  Party B’s salary is RMB _per month in the probationary period and RMB after the probationary period.


  After the probation, Party A shall provide Party B with a monthly housing allowance of RMB5,000.00. Party A shall provide the invoice of rent payment for reimbursement. The monthly date for reimbursement is on the 8th day of each month. If the 8th day of the month falls in the weekend or holiday, the payment shall be brought forward to the nearest weekday. Party A shall inform Party B and explain the detailed reason within 5 work days in case Party A fails to pay the salary due to special reasons.

  3.2 甲方应于每月8号以货币或转帐形式足额支付乙方上述报酬。如遇节假日或休息日,应提前到最近的工作日支付,如因特殊原因延期支付报酬的,甲方应在五个工作日内向乙方说明原因。

  Party A shall pay salary to Party B before the 8 day of every month in the form of cash or bank-transfer. If the 8th day of the month falls in the weekend or holiday, the payment shall be brought forward to the nearest weekday. Party A shall inform Party B and explain the detailed reason within 5 work days in case Party A fails to pay the salary due to special reasons.

  3.3 甲方可根据生产经营的状况或乙方任务量和工作表现,适时调整乙方的报酬。

  Party A can adjust Party B’s salary according to its operating conditions, Party B’s workload and performance.

  3.4 当乙方的工作任务发生变化时,甲方可按规定调整其相应的报酬。乙方接受新的工作任务后,即视作接受甲方按照该工作任务重新确定的报酬。

  Party B’s labor remuneration will be adjusted in case Party A adjusts Party B’s job responsibilities. Accepting the new position is regarded as accepting the adjusted salary. th

  3.5 乙方应遵守国家及地方的税法制度,自行缴纳其个人收入的个人所得税,甲方无义务为其代缴。

  Party B shall pay personal income tax voluntarily according to the state’s tax law. Party A doesn’t shoulder the responsibility to withhold and remit taxes for Party B.

  3.6 乙方在合同期内享受中国法律规定的节日,公休假日,另外公司每年为其提供5天的带薪休假。

  Party B is entitled with all legal holidays in accordance with the state’s regulations, In addition, Party B enjoys a paid leave of 5 days each year.

  四、 雇佣合同的解除和终止

  Ⅳ Contract Cancellation and Termination

  4.1 合同期满双方不再续签或者双方约定的合同终止条件出现时,雇佣合同即终止。

  This contract shall be terminated once it expires and both parties do not extend the contract.

  4.2 经合同双方当事人协商一致,本合同可以解除。

  The contract may be canceled based on both parties’ mutual negotiation.

  4.3 乙方应遵守中国的法律、法规及有关规定,乙方如违反上述规定,甲方有权即时解除合同;乙方因健康原因,经医生证明连续病休15工作日后仍不能继续工作,甲方有权提前终止合同。

  Party B should abide by China laws, decrees and related regulations and Party A’s working systems. During the duration, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract in case Party B violates China laws and decrees, and terminate the contract before expiration in case Party B cannot resume his or her work for health reasons after the medical certification of continuous sick rest for 15 working days.

  4.4 乙方因归国或其他私人原因未正常出勤且超过十天且未向甲方做出书面说明的,本合同自动终止。 The contract will automatically terminate in case Party B is absent for over 10 days without written explanation due to homecoming or other private reasons.

  4.5 乙方被证明无法完成本合同项下的工作任务,甲方有权随时解除本合同。

  In case Party B is proved to be not competent for the work under the contract, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract at any time.

  4.6 乙方应严格遵守甲方的工作规定以及规章制度,尽职尽责,否则,甲方有权随时解除合同并追究因此而造成的经济损失,并有权对所造成的经济损失在乙方的报酬中作相应扣除。

  Party B should abide by Party A’s working systems, rules and regulations. Otherwise, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract and claim a corresponding compensation of any economic loss from Party B’s payment.

  4.7 乙方有权提前30 日以书面形式通知甲方解除本合同,在试用期内提前3日通知甲方即可解除。

  Party B should inform Party A in written form 30 days in advance for canceling the contract, and 3 days in advance during the probation period.


  Ⅴ Others

  5.1 其他未尽事宜,双方可参照甲方公司内部的相关规章制度执行。

  Other items not stipulated by the two parties can be implemented according to the internal rules and regulations of Party A.

  5.2 甲乙双方均应遵守本合同之约定,任何一方违约,非违约方均有权要求违约方承担相应的损失。

  The two parties should abide by the contract. In case one party tears up the contract, the other party has the right to require the defaulting party to undertake corresponding loss.

  5.3 甲乙双方在本合同的执行中如有争议,可协商解决。

  For disputes during the execution of the contract, the two parties can settle them through negotiations.

  5.4 本合同分为中英两种文本,每种文本具有相同的法律效力;如两种文本产生冲突,则中文文本为作准文本。

  The contract has two versions in Chinese and in English. The two copies are equally authentic. In case any dispute happens, the Chinese version shall prevail.

  5.5 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,每份具有同等法律效力。本合同经甲、乙双方签字盖章后生效。

  The contract is in duplicate, held by Party A and Party B respectively. The two copies are equally authentic. The contract comes into effect upon signatures or seals of both parties.

  甲方:******(北京)有限公司 乙方(签字):

  Party A: ***** Technical Consulting Party B (Signature):

  (Beijing) Co., Ltd.


  Authorized Representative:

  签订日期Date: 签订日期Date:




  Employment Contract

  甲 方:******有限公司

  Party A:乙 方Party B:



  Party A:地址:


  乙方Party B:



  护照号码Passport No.:_____________________

  在京居住地址Address (Beijing):

  联系方式Contact:_________________________ _____________

  其他紧急联络人Contact person in case of emergency:


  Party A and Party B agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill all the obligations stipulated hereinafter, in line with the principles of legality, justice, equality, voluntariness and mutual agreement.

  一、 雇佣期限

  Ⅰ Employment term


  The employment term is ________year(s), lasting from _______________ to ___________. The probation period is __________month(s), lasting from ___________ to ______________.

  二、 雇佣内容及工作时间

  Ⅱ Content and working hours

  2.1 甲方根据工作需要,安排乙方完成以下内容的工作任务:

  Party A gives Party B the following work assignments according to its operating requirements:

  工作内容Job responsibilities:

  工作地点Place: 北京 Beijing

  2.2 工作时间:乙方每日工作时间不超过8小时,平均每周工作不超过40小时,每周休息日为周六、日。甲方安排乙方延长工作时间,应安排乙方同等时间补休或依法支付加班酬劳。

  Party B works no more than 8 hours per day, no more than 40 hours per week, and Saturday andSunday are set as the official weekly rest days. Party A may extend Party’s B’s working hours on the basis of mutual agreement, and party B shall get corresponding deferred holidays or paid for the extended work hours in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

  三、 报酬及其他福利

  Ⅲ Remuneration and other welfare benefits

  3.1 乙方的报酬为税前__________ 元/月 ,大写:


  Party B’s salary is RMB _per month in the probationary period and RMB after the probationary period.


  After the probation, Party A shall provide Party B with a monthly housing allowance of RMB5,000.00. Party A shall provide the invoice of rent payment for reimbursement. The monthly date for reimbursement is on the 8th day of each month. If the 8th day of the month falls in the weekend or holiday, the payment shall be brought forward to the nearest weekday. Party A shall inform Party B and explain the detailed reason within 5 work days in case Party A fails to pay the salary due to special reasons.

  3.2 甲方应于每月8号以货币或转帐形式足额支付乙方上述报酬。如遇节假日或休息日,应提前到最近的工作日支付,如因特殊原因延期支付报酬的,甲方应在五个工作日内向乙方说明原因。

  Party A shall pay salary to Party B before the 8th day of every month in the form of cash or bank-transfer. If the 8th day of the month falls in the weekend or holiday, the payment shall be brought forward to the nearest weekday. Party A shall inform Party B and explain the detailed reason within 5 work days in case Party A fails to pay the salary due to special reasons.

  3.3 甲方可根据生产经营的状况或乙方任务量和工作表现,适时调整乙方的报酬。

  Party A can adjust Party B’s salary according to its operating conditions, Party B’s workload and performance.

  3.4 当乙方的工作任务发生变化时,甲方可按规定调整其相应的报酬。乙方接受新的工作任务后,即视作接受甲方按照该工作任务重新确定的报酬。

  Party B’s labor remuneration will be adjusted in case Party A adjusts Party B’s job responsibilities. Accepting thenew position is regarded as accepting the adjusted salary.

  3.5 乙方应遵守国家及地方的税法制度,自行缴纳其个人收入的个人所得税,甲方无义务为其代缴。

  Party B shall pay personal income tax voluntarily according to the state’s tax law. Party A doesn’t shoulder the responsibility to withhold and remit taxes for Party B.

  3.6 乙方在合同期内享受中国法律规定的节日,公休假日,另外公司每年为其提供5天的带薪休假。

  Party B is entitled with all legal holidays in accordance with the state’s regulations, In addition, Party B enjoys a paid leave of 5 days each year.

  四、 雇佣合同的解除和终止

  Ⅳ Contract Cancellation and Termination

  4.1 合同期满双方不再续签或者双方约定的合同终止条件出现时,雇佣合同即终止。

  This contract shall be terminated once it expires and both parties do not extend the contract.

  4.2 经合同双方当事人协商一致,本合同可以解除。

  The contract may be canceled based on both parties’ mutual negotiation.

  4.3 乙方应遵守中国的法律、法规及有关规定,乙方如违反上述规定,甲方有权即时解除合同;乙方因健康原因,经医生证明连续病休15工作日后仍不能继续工作,甲方有权提前终止合同。

  Party B should abide by China laws, decrees and related regulations and Party A’s working systems. During the duration, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract in case Party B violates China laws and decrees, and terminate the contract before expiration in case Party B cannotresume his or her work for health reasons after the medical certification of continuous sick rest for 15 working days.

  4.4 乙方因归国或其他私人原因未正常出勤且超过十天且未向甲方做出书面说明的,本合同自动终止。 The contract will automatically terminate in case Party B is absent for over 10 days without written explanation due to homecoming or other private reasons.

  4.5 乙方被证明无法完成本合同项下的工作任务,甲方有权随时解除本合同。

  In case Party B is proved to be not competent for the work under the contract, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract at any time.

  4.6 乙方应严格遵守甲方的工作规定以及规章制度,尽职尽责,否则,甲方有权随时解除合同并追究因此而造成的经济损失,并有权对所造成的经济损失在乙方的报酬中作相应扣除。

  Party B should abide by Party A’s working systems, rules and regulations. Otherwise, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract and claim a corresponding compensation of any economic loss from Party B’s payment.

  4.7 乙方有权提前30 日以书面形式通知甲方解除本合同,在试用期内提前3日通知甲方即可解除。

  Party B should inform Party A in written form 30 days in advance for canceling the contract, and 3 days in advance during the probation period.


  Ⅴ Others

  5.1 其他未尽事宜,双方可参照甲方公司内部的相关规章制度执行。

  Other items not stipulated by the two parties can be implemented according to the internal rules and regulations of Party A.

  5.2 甲乙双方均应遵守本合同之约定,任何一方违约,非违约方均有权要求违约方承担相应的损失。

  The two parties should abide by the contract. In case one party tears up the contract, the other party has the right to require the defaulting party to undertake corresponding loss.

  5.3 甲乙双方在本合同的执行中如有争议,可协商解决。

  For disputes during the execution of the contract, the two parties can settle them through negotiations.

  5.4 本合同分为中英两种文本,每种文本具有相同的法律效力;如两种文本产生冲突,则中文文本为作准文本。

  The contract has two versions in Chinese and in English. The twocopies are equally authentic. In case any dispute happens, the Chinese version shall prevail.

  5.5 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,每份具有同等法律效力。本合同经甲、乙双方签字盖章后生效。

  The contract is in duplicate, held by Party A and Party B respectively. The twocopies are equally authentic. The contract comes into effect upon signatures or seals of both parties.


  Party A: ***** Technical Consulting Party B (Signature):

  (Beijing) Co., Ltd.


  Authorized Representative:

  签订日期Date: 签订日期Date:










